Today was the day. We had a party to beat the band!!! I have known some of these women for almost four and half years on the Dogster site. What a thrill it has been to meet all of them. First thing this morning as I walked back into the house was hysterical laughter. I knew that laugh anywhere..It was none other than King Spiveys mom Rhonda! Haha...What a laugh she has, its so infectious. It was really great to finally meet her and the king himself. Large and in charge is our King Spivey. His sister Lady Lexus is such a cute girl. We counted it up later and there were nine moms and 24 dogs!!!! Can you believe we had that many dogs in this house! Crazy We had Marsh with Mista Chu, Shawna with Dewey, Arhonda with Marley and Ripley,Kathy with Lily and Piloux, Shirley with Johnny Thunder, Baby Ben, Beatrix, Cinnamon Bear, Honey Bear,Patti with Otto, Ratty and Lulu, Courtney with Stewart, Dora and Woody and of course me with Gus, Wheezer, Raven and Boo. Now that is a house full of dogs. We also had 11 Pugs but Mista Chu had to leave and Ripley wasn't around

Gus and Spivey's birthday's are coming up so we got a cake and sang Happy Birthday to them and then served them cake. (See Videos) Too funny, you don't mess with the King when he is eating his royal cake, no....
Then somehow Shirley got all of us posed and took pics of all of us. (Look up at slide show)That was major feat in itself. I am proud of all the four legged furkids. Then Courtney who runs www.fromstewartskitchen.com made "Pupcakes and bags of treats for the kids. Talk about an overload, then we wondered why they were all flying around like a bunch of frenzied monkeys. Just like the human kinds. Right now mine are totally crashed. Nothing could wake them. Shirley went all out with food for the humans. She made a lovely banquet. (see pictures) Then we had a baby Pug to make us all laugh. Ripley is 5 months and is a firecracker. Wheezer and Spivey had to compare beach bodies....Spivey won hands down. he...he..;) Boo fell in love with Courtney's girls. Especially when they added those yummy cupcakes. It literally was like Romper Room in here, but is fun and I loved every minute. Shirley Ann took the most awesome pictures today, but the file sizes are huge, so I will get them up but it is going to have to wait. (They are worth the wait) So with out further ado..here is two videos of Gus and Spiveys birthday cake eating spree
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